Our ambition is to daily “resource the world” in order to face the major environmental challenges. ose challenges are the preservation of natural resources, the fi ght against climate change and the conservation of biodiversity. Every day we aim to fulfi ll this ambition by managing in an exemplary manner our sites and by proposing the best innovative solutions to our clients.
Resourcing the Planet:
1. Sustainably manage natural resources by supporting circular economy
2. Contribute to combating climate change
3. Conserve and restore biodiversity
Sustainably manage natural resources by supporting circular economy

The Nilothi (Delhi) Sewage Treatment plant built and operated by Veolia has a capacity to treat 91MLD of wastewater. While the plant contributes towards the protection of the environment by preventing the discharge of non-treated waste water, our solutions enable to valorize the wastewater through the production of biogas and compost. The biogas produced supports approximately 60% of the in-house energy requirement of the plant and the compost obtained from the sludges can be used as fertilizers.
Contribute to combating climate change

Veolia and Carbon Clean, a global leader in low-cost carbon capture technology through its joint venture Veolia Carbon Clean to exclusively develop multiple green projects in India.
The newly established company Veolia Carbon Clean will first develop two first carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCUS) and compressed biogas (CBG) projects in India, utilising Carbon Clean’s patented CDRMax and MethPure technologies.
Conserve and restore biodiversity

Veolia not only takes measures to reduce the footprint of both our own and our clients’ activities on the environment but also foster favorable conditions for the preservation and restoration of species and their habitats.
Veolia has partnered with International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in order to efficiently work towards achieving this commitment. Under this collaboration Veolia has launched a Green Spaces Charter, an ecological management charter for the maintenance of green spaces. All Veolia India sites have signed the charter and are commited towards adopting ecological practices as mentioned in the same.